Our Story

How We Came To Love South Dallas

Home Is Where The Heart Is

In truth, our story began before the foundation of the world because Psalm 139:16 and Ephesians 1:4 and 2:10 says God chose us before the world began and predesigned our lives.

You Will In Texas

When my wife and I got married in 1988, we had no idea that we would eventually land in Texas.  God had not yet given us that memo. Or maybe He had, but we were too dense to discern it.  The idea of life in Texas came about during prayer one Monday morning in 1999.  The Lord said we would have a ministry in Texas.  At the time, I was a full-time pastor in my small, rural hometown in North Carolina. We were shocked that the Lord spoke Texas to us.  We had been to Texas only once, with no intentions of returning.

In 2000, we made our first visit to Texas.  In 2004, we made another visit.  We eventually made the big move in 2006.

Now that we have been in Texas for a while and have become more familiar with its culture, we are earnestly ready to start the ministry God sent us to start. Recently, God showed us exactly where He wants us to launch the church. This revelation occurred during a life-changing encounter we had in South Dallas.

A Woman named Sylvia

As we rode slowly down Martin Luther King Blvd. in South Dallas we were amazed at all the needs of the community. Suddenly, my wife saw what she thought was either a pile of clothes or a person sleeping on the sidewalk.  I stop the car to investigate.  It was indeed a person, a woman to be exact, and her named was Sylvia. She was very belligerent and broken from her condition.  She was obviously dealing with many challenges, including homelessness, addictions, and mental illness. I attempted to tell her about Jesus, but she cursed me out and became even more belligerent.  She asked me a question that I have not been able to shake. She asked me, “What has Jesus done for me lately?”  It was in that precise moment we knew South Dallas was to become the location for our new church.  We had to show and tell Sylvia and other South Dallas residents all the wonderful things Jesus has indeed done for them.

Now we have a divine love for South Dallas.  America, the state of Texas, and the city of Dallas have neglected South Dallas for a long time. The poverty, joblessness, failing schools, crime, drugs, dilapidated houses, and much more are proof of the neglect.  Satan has setup his kingdom in South Dallas, but we are serving the notice on him that Jesus has not neglected South Dallas.  He died for the residents of South Dallas!

Launch Easter 2018!

After our encounter with Sylvia and through the leading of the Holy Spirit, we realize that Jesus sent us to plant Saltmakers Church as part of His plan to transform this region.  Saltmakers Church will be a kingdom-minded, outwardly-focused and disciple-making church. We will demonstrate the love of God, personal evangelism, community outreach, and the supernatural power of God.  Yes, evangelism and discipleship will be staples of our church as we work to make authentic Christ followers who salt the earth especially in South Dallas.

We invite you to become a part of what God is doing through Saltmakers Church in South Dallas!  And if you feel a tug on your heart to help, here are ways you can help.  Learn More.

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